Sunday, June 15, 2003

Code Pink Action Alerts

1. Where are the Weapons of Mass Destruction?

Or were they just weapons of mass deception. Do what you can to keep these questions in the public debate. Be visible with them in your vigils, contact Congress to investigate, stay informed and keep those in your life informed.

We have images from the vigil, who to contact in Congress, talking points and other information to support your efforts. Click here to move into action and check out Don Hazen's 12-Step Program.

2. Summer Actions

Los Angeles and San Francisco have a visit from 'W' on June 27th. New York is planning a vigil at Indian Point to expose the real safety needs of Americans. There is more you can do to stop the FCC giveaway. Our next trip to Iraq starts in 10 days and we plan to take a delegation to Palestine and Israel in August and September. Action Camps are being planned in the East and West.

More information on all of these on our Action Page, click here to join us. Stay Informed and Involved!!!

3. CODEPINK needs YOU!!!

The work never stops, we know that the change we want takes patience, diligence and imagination. CODEPINK has addressed issues in a multitude of creative, original and sometimes startling ways (shockingly pink), always bringing into play the sensibilities of respect, compassion and interconnectedness. We won't let up, but we need your help. We will continue our weekly actions, be very active in giving Bush his 'pink slip' in '04, and while in Iraq we plan to open a Peace House. We have much more planned for the fall.

Join us with your time and energy, join our delegations and our actions, send a donation, or use the store to stay in the 'pink' and support the work. Thank you for nurturing and joining the power of pink for peace and justice.

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