Sunday, May 11, 2003

Colo. Gov. Signs Redistricting Bill

Republican Gov. Bill Owens signed a bill on Friday that redraws congressional districts that are less than 2 years old, a move that could bolster the GOP's slim advantage in a new congressional district.

Democrats vowed to challenge the redistricting in court.


The new plan gives Republicans a 29,000-vote margin in the 7th Congressional District, which GOP Rep. Bob Beauprez won by a 121-vote margin in November. Previously, the district was evenly divided among Republicans, Democrats and unaffiliated voters. The law also increases the margin of Republican voters in the 3rd Congressional District.

Reopening the redistricting process was unprecedented in Colorado politics, and some Democrats called it illegal. But Owens said earlier this week that Republicans had a duty to redraw the lines because the Legislature did not finish the job two years ago.

Texas is considering similar plans to redraw congressional districts. New Mexico, where Democrats are in control of the Legislature and the governor's office, abandoned plans to redraw the lines after drawing similar criticism.

Congressional Redistricting Maps

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