Monday, May 05, 2003

Choice Point

Nathan Newman points us to a Guardian article that exposes this international scheme perpetrated by Choice Point.

Governments across Latin America have launched investigations after revelations that a US company is obtaining extensive personal data about millions of citizens in the region and selling it to the Bush administration.

Documents seen by the Guardian show that the company, ChoicePoint, received at least $11m (£6.86m) last year in return for its data, which includes Mexico's entire list of voters, including dates of birth and passport numbers, as well as Colombia's citizen identification database.

As Nathan reminds us this is the same Choice Point involved in the 2000 election Florida voter-roll purgings.

Nathan also has a post about the recent unemployment numbers that's a must read.

In fact read everything while you're there. It's all good.

Update 5/6: Hesiod is all over the Choice Point story and has been since 4/30.

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